Recitals & Events


October 30
Graduation Registration Deadline

November 3
2:00 pm
November Recital

In Carlsbad

November 8
Graduation Recording Deadline

January 25
2:00 pm
SMAC-SD Chapter Graduation

Musician’s Association of San Diego, Arias Hall

Studio Holidays


No piano lessons will be given on these days:

President Days
Feb. 19th & 20th (Mon./Tues. lessons)

Spring Break
April – one week only (Flexible dates, can also be the last week of March/notify teacher)

Memorial Day
May 24 – 27th (Fri., Sat., & Mon. lessons)

Fourth of July
July 4th – 6th (Thurs., Fri., & Sat. lessons)

Labor Day
Aug. 30th – Sept. 2nd (Fri. – Mon. lessons)

Nov. 25th – 29th (All)

Winter Holidays
Dec. 23rd – Jan. 3rd, 2025 (All)